Kristen Crockett

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Understanding Human Design


Human Design is a blueprint or tool to empower you to navigate, and understand who you are. It is also called ā€œThe Science of Differentiation.ā€ It allows you to understand why you feel naturally drawn to do, act, or feel the way that you do.

When I discovered human design for myself, it opened up my entire world. I finally understood who I was. For the first time, I felt appreciated and validated.

And with every human design session, I am able to do the same for you. I incorporate human design into executive and leadership coaching, but these sessions are also available to you, as a personalized one-on-one session.

If you have never heard of Human Design before, here is a little more about it.

Human Design is a map for understanding who you are, how you perceive the world, and how you can best be heard, understood, and communicated with. It also provides you with the self-awareness you need to understand how you make decisions, how you digest information, how to best utilize your energy, and what environment supports who you are.

It empowers you to align your choices, life, and decisions around what comes naturally to you.

If you are interested in learning more about your unique design, I invite you to run your chart and find out which type you are.

Human Design Types:

  • Generators are built to follow their excitement. They are meant to use up all of their energy so they can end the night feeling accomplished. Their ideas and strategic minds enable them to be natural builders, taking an idea from start to finish.

  • Manifesting Generators are multi-faceted people who thrive on juggling various activities and passions. They are masters at finding the shortest and most direct way to do and say things.

  • Projectors are here to be leaders, advisors, and guides. They are natural observers of people and thrive with systems and particular ways of accomplishing something. They love facts and knowledge and are best utilized as subject matter experts. They find the most efficient way to meet a goal.

  • Manifestors are initiators and trailblazers. They get things started, thrive when they have autonomy, and bring an entrepreneurial spirit and wisdom to the world. They transform people and move organizations forward.

  • Reflectors are the rarest and the most fluid. They ingest the environment they are in and magnify it. Reflectors teach us about the wellness of a group or organization by reflecting the energy of the people around them.

As an individual, Human Design helps you feel seen and heard and to be able to empower others in a way that works best for them. In an organization, understanding how you were designed enables you to waste less emotional energy in the workplace. That excess energy goes directly to feeling more fulfilled, more self-aware, and more in tune with who you are meant to be.

What People Are Saying About Their Human Design Sessions: