Undiscovered Talent

When I was 15, my cousin Russ took me to Sylvia's Restaurant in NYC. It was the night I got the courage to walk to Denzel Washington's table and ask him for his autograph. But that wasn't even the most memorable part of the night.

When we walked in, Flavor Flav was on the piano, playing the most beautiful classical music I had ever heard.

I was accustomed to watching him on stage with a microphone and huge clock around his neck. I was not used to hearing his fingers fly across the black and white keys on the piano, as though he was at Carnegie Hall, performing for us all.

It was the day that I understand that all of us have enormous talent inside of us, that is sometimes hidden from the people around us.

So many managers have people on their team, in roles that are using 1/10 of their talent - and are unaware that they have a zone of genius inside of them that is unbelievably amazing and deserves to be seen and heard.

What is the talent that YOU are hiding from yourself or from the world?

Set up a VIP day to discover your talents.