
Episode 6: Responsibility and The Joy List: The Duty of Always Being Grateful

Duty ad Responsibility: The Joy List

Be sure to download the podcast worksheets from today's episode, including your joy list.

If you have ever felt responsible for anyone else - siblings, employees, a project at work, or even your parents - this episode is for you. What does it mean to stand on the shoulders of the people who came before us - our parents, family members, ancestors, siblings? We are exploring the pressure and duty of "being first" and what comes with being the responsible one in your family, at work, or in your personal life. And how does responsibility conflict with being able to feel joy in your childhood or adulthood? You'll learn how to create your own personal "joy list."

Episode 2: Emotions, EQ & The Exhausting Pursuit of Perfection

Emotions are in everything - whether we are talking about navigating change, emotional intelligence, relationships, illness, or being a perfectionist. Join me on a journey to uncover the nuances of emotion, as we connect the dots from childhood experiences, what it means to be a high achiever and how self-care can help you battle against feelings of worthiness. And if you have ever wondered what the differences are between a coach and a therapist, we explore that as well.